How to become more charismatic

You have to be respectful towards everybody.

You have to listen to what people have to say, you have to be genuinely interested in what others have to say. When you stop somebody from speaking just because you think you have something more important or better to say, it shows disrespect. Besides this, you should also be able to put forward your honest answers, showing honesty in the long run shows courage and genuine friendship. Showing honesty can at times be difficult, but it shows self confidence, you may not always be right so you can begin your answer with "I think......". People will love it in the long run, If you give honest opinions, you may also save yourself from listening a lot of nonsense.

When you listen to people, people feel great because all of us have something to say and we just love being listened to.

But with the things I have mentioned until now you will probably just  be nice a nice guy not a charismatic man. I don't wish to hurt anybody by saying this but this is the truth.

The fact of the matter is that you must have self confidence, if you don't have self-confidence people will easily know it from your actions and non-verbal communication, so don't lack self confidence. It could be difficult for others to trust you, when even you are not sure about what you are doing, self confidence is the key, but you don't have to have arrogance, self confidence I think is more like being able to do, what you have to do while being confident about dealing with the consequences if a few things go wrong, You can probably deal with a lot more things than you think you can. If you look at people like Hitler and Napolean Bonaparte you will find that Self-confidence is a very important thing, not that I think they were really great people, but I have to say that self confidence is very important.

I mentioned earlier that people love being listened to, but people love talking to someone on whom they can rely on, self-confidence presents you as a person on whom people can rely.

But then you should always be real.

A very important thing is that you have to never make fun of somebody' s insecurities, not that those insecurities really matter, but you have be to always show respect, you have to be careful with certain things and it is very important. If you can help people get over their insecurities they will probably just think of you as a Leader.

At the end all I have to say is that a smile and a pleasant nature will do you good, you can easily make people happy by passing pleasant remarks, everybody likes such people, but such remarks should never be passed with the intention of preventing a hardworking man/woman from hardwork.

You have to have a positive nature, don't be a person who constantly complains about things and don't blame others all the time and don't be arrogant, ignorance can be ignored but when ignorance is compounded with arrogance it becomes toxic, humility is a desired quality.

I want you to keep in mind that, You have to be genuinely interested in helping others, you can derive a lot of good by postively cooperating with other people, jealousy and ego will only bring you unhappiness and failure, according to Napolean Hill, author of "The Law of Success".

There can also be a few generic advice, which are like know people by their name and things like that.


- Give respect and take respect.

- Be genuinely interested in what people have to say and give your honest opinion.

- Give honest opinions.

- Have confidence and be real.

- Have a pleasant nature.

-Syed Moris

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  1. This blog is written very well. Self confidence is very important to succeed in life, but there was no need of mentioning Hitler and Napoleon.They have done no good to the society. They had self confidence, but that was of no use. You could have talked about the self confidence that Nelson Mandela and Gandhiji had.

  2. Brother, you are not wrong, but nobody can deny the fact that Hitler was Charismatic, and I cannot give a better explanation to explain the importance of self-confidence. I mean, just look at it, despite the fact that he was full non-sense a lot of people did support him, I think it is only because of the confidence he had. A lot of really fine people have all the other characteristics that make them charismatic but Hitler had none, he was charismatic only because of the self-confidence he had.

    It is well said that People will not remember what you did but people will remember how you made them feel. If a person lacks self-confidence then people will not feel the emotion of security in that person and thus it will be difficult for the person to have an impact on others. A dialogue from the movie Inception says the same thing - ideas are not implanted in the subconscious mind, emotions are.

    Self-Confidence is very important.

    If I were to say anything I would say this - Charisma = Benevolence + Self Confidence

    To see an absolutely wonderful video on how to cultivate self-confidence by personality analysis of a famous MMA fighter go to the link -

  3. One special trick.

    I am going to plan out what goals I have to meet by the end of the day. So that goal will bring me closer to my actual real goal. I may have a lot of things to do but I will see to it that I actually achieve my goal for the day, so as to ascertain that I am actually achieving something and not just being busy.

    Life is a marathon it is a sprint. You have to achieve something and you have time for that so don't be impatient but make sure that you are actually moving towards your goal and not just lying idle.


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