Hii everybody

I am Syed Moris from Bihar, India and that is me, the pic is like 6 years old, though.

What I wish to do with this channel is to provide quality to the readers.

I will write-ups, I have written books like The Millionaire Next door,  Rich Dad Poor Dad and more than 400 pages of the book The Law of Success. I have also watched a lot of videos on the topic and I also write from my experience. One request that I have to make is that you all actually read what I write, no matter how good I write if you don't actually read what I write and ponder over it then what I write will do you no good. 

I am a medical student studying at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. I am currently in my second year of my Medical education.

You may have to read all of it more than once or whatever, in my case I may have to read certain lines a lot of time before I am able to actually understand it. 

My job is simply to provide quality content and for that I will also post URL of videos made by others. If it is for good I would love to be a PR guy, afteral there is a lot of nonsense on the internet, I want to become your filter. It' s quite powerful I think, I mean I feel like those guys are working for me hahahahaha. Okay seriously, postive form of cooperation is very powerful, I had read it in the book, The Law of Success.

I have categorised my write-ups into various groups.

                    Self Improvement
                    MCQs of Biology
                    Must See 
                    Catalan Anak Kuliahan
                    The English Language


  1. Welcome to our blog. I wish to provide you with the facts and not just motivation.

    It is sad that a lot of our time gets wasted in watching motivational speeches. My advice to you would be to do the hardwork now, just do it and set a precedent for yourself for your future, if you don't do it now and become happy just by watching motivational speeches then you are unlikely to do it in the future unless you know something terrible will happen. Don't set a bad precedent by not doing it now.

    I really wish that you actually gain something out of this blog. I hope we are a force for good in your life. Now that I have told you about myself, do tell us about yourself too, we are friends, afteral.

    Have a great day and always remember do it now or you are unlikely to do it in the future. Don't set a bad precedent by not doing it now.

  2. One trick that I going to use will be this I will plan out my day and say to myself what goal I have to meet by the end of this day. So that goal will bring me closer to my actual real goal. I may have a lot of things to do but I am see to it that I actually achieve my goal for the day, so as to ascertain that I am actually achieving something and not just being busy.


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