Self control

A video which I found to be very helpful by Khan Academy -

What this video basically says is:

-People with more self confidence are able to excel in life, the video cites a research paper to back what it says.

-Self Control is like our muscles. You can develop it over time, but if you use a lot of self control in a short interval of time you will exhaust it for some amount of time.

At the end, I would like to say what I heard in a motivational video, "Life is a marathon, it is not a 100meters sprint".

-Syed Moris

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  1. One special trick.

    I am going to plan out what goals I have to meet by the end of the day. So that goal will bring me closer to my actual real goal. I may have a lot of things to do but I will see to it that I actually achieve my goal for the day, so as to ascertain that I am actually achieving something and not just being busy.

    Life is a marathon it is a sprint. You have to achieve something and you have time for that so don't be impatient but make sure that you are actually moving towards your goal and not just lying idle.


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